Do you need to find the cheapest way to ship within Canada as well as internationally to and from Canada?
One way to get the cheapest rate is with a rate shopping tool like TotalShip. Instantly compare rates with partners like Purolator, GLS, Loomis, Canada Post and FedEx with one click of a button. We can offer you inexpensive small parcel shipping solutions across Canada.
For international small parcel shipping, TotalShip offers instant rate shopping with FedEx and DHL. We can pick up and deliver worldwide making TotalShip a great solution for all your small parcel shipping.
We save you time, stress and money with no extra monthly fees, no contracts to sign which means no risk to you. Simply pay for what you're's that simple.
If you are a small and medium-sized business TotalShip wants to work with you. Through our huge buying power we help level the playing field. If you're a small ecommerce business trying to compete against the big box stores, our rates will help you do just that. You should not be paying retail shipping rates.
Join today and see why thousands of Canadian businesses choose TotalShip. or call 1-844-763-2020